Not too long ago, on the wahm forums, I saw an opportunity from IMshopping. I finally made the time to look into it this weekend, and it is actually a great website! You can post your shopping questions, and guides will do the footwork for you to find the answers to your questions. I am an avid product researcher - ALWAYS - in search of the best products and deals that can be had, and I love to help people out as well, so I look forward to the opportunity to become a shopping guide with them. Anyone who signs up can answer and ask questions. And even if you are not hired on as guide, you get paid for answers that are selected as the best answer! Best Answers pay $2, and the cash out minimum with them is $40, payable through PayPal or gift card. Minimum cash out goes down to $20 for paid guides, and they get paid for every question answered plus bonus for Best Answers! A great little opportunity.
You have to answer 25 questions to qualify for the chance to become a guide. I have 5 down so far and really hope I will get the opportunity to become a paid guide once I make it up to 25. In the meantime I am hoping some of my answers will get "Best Answer".
They are also running a weekly contest currently, if you ask at least 10 questions a day you are entered to win $50. With a baby on the way and Christmas so near I have plenty of shopping questions on my mind to post!
Other details I was given:
- Minimum Age Requirement: 16 years old
- Must be active once a week for four weeks
- Must ask 2 questions minimum (no max)
I read about iRazoo from a fellow wahm mom, and it sounds like a great opportunity to rake in some gift certificates. If you search the web daily anyhow like I do, it's not much of a job at all, just a matter of remembering to use the iRazoo website to perform your searches. You get points for every search you do, and more points if you rate and comment on the webpages you pull up in the searches. They cap the points at 300 a day, and it takes 3,000 to turn them into $5 Amazon gift certificates. They have a rewards catalog with other cash out options if you rather save your points up for larger rewards. You also can get more points for referrals and by completing merchant partner offers. Plus they enter you to win a $500 Amazon gift certificate just for using their search. Today's my first day, and I got my maximum points in. I look forward to seeing them add up daily now so I can claim some rewards!
If you decide to try iRazoo out, please consider using my sign up link so I can get credit!
That's it for now, I have to get ready for my weekly doctors appointment now! I will work on IMshopping more later today as well as some nesting around the house! :grin:
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